Thursday, November 4, 2010

Morph Creatures

During this lesson i was meant to learn how to skillful blend skin tones and animals together in a way that was believable to the human eye. Things turned out like i thought they would I could've done a better job matching the skin but its a hard task. If i was to do it again i would probably make a more conscious effort to blend the skin tones in a more professional way. Im most proud of the way that the mouth looks like a normal animal while the rest of the animal looks completely alien. 

During this lesson I was supposed to learn how to match two pictures together to create a new alien creature. It turned out exactly how i thought it would, the spider monkey worked perfectly with the face of the lion. Nothing took longer than i thought it would, it only took me around two days to complete. Im most proud of the two pictures that i found because one is the king of the jungle and one is a small innocent spider monkey. I would rate this project at a 7 because i could have done a better job at matching their skin tones but i still feel i did a good job at the lower part of his face.  

1 comment:

  1. nicely done on both images! i think the lion-monkey is pretty perfect. i'm not sure you could have blended that any better. and it's an awesome juxtaposition as far as ideas go. the lizard-hippos is also very convincing.

    i think you did a great job here.

    Creativity: 100
    Artistry: 100
    Effort: 100
    Mastery of Unit Goals: 100
    Followed Directions: 100

    Unit AVG: 100
